Speak Up! - View Question #533

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Question: Do juvenile drug offenders get the same sentences/charges as adult drug offenders?

Answer: No. The Juvenile criminal system is very different from the adult criminal system. For one thing, Juvenile criminals could be sent home from a drug offense with a less severe sentence if a Judge thinks it will benefit the youth. On the other hand, the same exact offense in the adult court system faces mandatory sentencing under Arizona law. This means that a judge is forced to hand down a minimum sentence to an adult that may include jail, prison, probation or a combination of all three.

However, as a juvenile you face much different penalties for drug offenses than you would as an adult. These penalties range from being fined money to spending time in Adobe (a juvenile correction center specifically for juveniles).

The severity of the offense and the number of prior drug offenses will determine the punishment given to a Juvenile drug offender.

1 thru 5 of 10 comments
On 10/31/05
sjt from CA said:
i just got cought a couple days ago with 2 pills at school.i was so scared when they aressted me at school.but my problem now is,what is going to happen to me at court.im scared because i dont want to go to juvi. and leave my mom.i mean i just dont know wat to do.i know it was stupid and everything i guess i wasnt thinking about the consiquenses.the cop said it could be 3 yrs. probation or 3yrs in juvi depending on the judge. well my court date is in jan. and im just trying to get help or advise.am i going to get probation or am i going to juvi? please help
On 06/04/04
tyson from AZ said:
my 16yrs old girlfriend got in trouble for buying a friend some pills what do u think the punishment will be
On 05/13/04
Caitlin from MN said:
I was caught a couple weeks ago, and the court date is coming up. Can I expect community service or a fine? Or neither? Someone at the courthouse said it's possible I won't recieve anything. I don't need a drug class, I understand how stupid it is, but of course they won't believe me.
On 03/16/04
bob from IA said:
i just got busted last nite i want to know the conciquences
On 03/12/04
steve from IN said:
I think its Wrong yes for any one to use drugs, or drive while under the influnce. However if you charge a Teen for Underage Drinking, " How can you take em to adult court, or sentenced them to a adult Jail or prison ? To me thats a double slam. Then to give make em go thru a drug re hab Program , and have to pay for all the testing etc..Loss of job, Dont you think the teen has sufferend enough? Thanks for reading.
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