Speak Up! - View Question #540

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Question: Is smoking weed (marijuana) legal in some States?

Answer: No. Every State, from Alabama, Colorado, Kentucky to Vermont, including Arizona and every State in between, has enacted various criminal penalties for the possession, use, cultivation, transportation and distribution, of marijuana, including even the smallest of quantities.

Arizona punishes possession of amounts less than two pounds as a class six felony with fines between $750 and $150,000 and jail or prison time from six months to a year and a half.

A few States have decriminalized marijuana use and possession in small amounts (N. Carolina and California for example) but even there, its still illegal.

26 thru 30 of 568 comments
On 01/19/08
Kayla from WI said:
i think it should be leagal becuse if we can drink we should beable to smoke pot. Pot can cause a fatal acciednt and so can pot. we should have the people in each state vot for pot like we do on presidents.
On 01/16/08
stoney from AZ said:
Why did they allow alcohol when people die from it and many wives or beaten by thier drunk lovers. If marijuana wa slagalized this would never happen because we would be to mellow to do anything.S.T.O.N.E.Y. S=seek T=truth; O=observe N=nature; E=educate Y=yourself
On 01/01/08
Kyle from GA said:
Marijuana should be legalized. Think about it: the pros of marijuana usage strongly outnumber the cons. And some people on this blog are saying that too much of it will kill you. Anything in excess can hurt you but is alcohol legal? Yes, so why not weed? Legalizing marijuana would be for the greater good. "Almost anything in moderation is ok. Almost anything in excess is not" -Anonymous
On 11/08/07
mark d from SC said:
i think it could be legal but the gov. has not figured it out how to tax it. but most likely it will be legal in about 6-7 years from now.
On 10/31/07
david from TX said:
People have never died from smoking marijuana? Marijuana contains 3 to 5 times the amount of tar as a cigarette. Repeated weed smoking leads to lung and throat cancer and a person is twice as likely to have a heart attack in the first hour after smoking. Plus, if your having a baby it leads to stunted growth, learning problems, problem soving problems such as ADD, and lack of motivation. Also if your high and driving your 4 times as likely to cause a fatal car accident. Oh, also all the effects i listed for the baby are also long term effects on kids and adults.
26 thru 30 of 568 comments

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