Speak Up! - View Question #546

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Question: What would happen if you were caught using drugs?


If you are caught using or possessing drugs, you would be arrested, taken to jail and charged with possession of the drug. The Prosecutor would then have to prove that you knowingly used or were in possession of a usable amount of the illegal drug.

In Arizona, the law under which you would be prosecuted depends on the type and amount of drug used or carried on one's person. The possible penalties for violation of these laws include fines, prison time, and probation depending on history of convictions and the current violation. The crimres range from a Class 6 to a Class 2 Felony. You can check A.R.S. § 13-3402 (peyote), A.R.S. § 13-3405 (marijuana), A.R.S. § 13-3407 (Dangerous Drugs including methamphetamine and LSD), and A.R.S. § 13-3408 (Narcotics including cocaine and crack) for specific definitions and penalties.

For more information see Speak Up! question #528.


6 thru 10 of 28 comments
On 12/10/04
science from Othr said:
Alcohol is legal ! Weed Can be used to cure Malignent Brain and lung cancer and virus induced lukemea.
On 04/07/04
bobbie jo slack from PA said:
As I see it, drugs are never a good thing. At this very moment they are messing up the life of someone I love, more than that person could know. They have made me lose my mother, even though she is still here. They made me lose my father and he is here as well, and now my closest friend is messing her life up and breaking my heart. I love her and I know what drugs can do to the ones you love. To be honest, I have tried it and now because of today, I will never touch it. I will never cause anyone the pain I feel right now. So think about everyone you love before you do any drug
On 03/18/04
Jerri Dodd from TN said:
if your are busted for drugs your just busted period so ha ha ha cuzz ive been there and done that and im gonna go there again cuzz i love drugs and i love sellin them 2 cuzz of the money and being stoned what should i do
On 03/17/04
Lizzie from NC said:
For starters, if you fail a blood test, they have proof you did drugs, so good luck fighting that in court if you've been caught. Secondly, did anyone think about the consequences if marijuana was legal and everyone could use it? We'd all be walking around zoned out all the time, no work would get done, no one would get an education. Think about if your parents were high all the time. They couldn't put food on the table, or help you with homework, couldn't make sure you got medical attention if you needed it, etc. Using pot is just chickening out of reality. Face it with a clear mind.
On 03/09/04
cynthia from Othe said:
No getting high is not a crime if your doing it at home your less likely to hurt anyone then you are if you go out in the public then your chances of hurting you or other people is high. But i do drugs alot but i dont do them to get back at my parents i do them becuz it makes me feel good and i feel alot more happy when i am on them. But i am trying to get help so i can stop doing all that for the safty of me and other people. But my advice to other teens is not to even start doing it because once your on it your less likely to come off or end your life earler then it needs to.
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