Speak Up! - View Question #546

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Question: What would happen if you were caught using drugs?


If you are caught using or possessing drugs, you would be arrested, taken to jail and charged with possession of the drug. The Prosecutor would then have to prove that you knowingly used or were in possession of a usable amount of the illegal drug.

In Arizona, the law under which you would be prosecuted depends on the type and amount of drug used or carried on one's person. The possible penalties for violation of these laws include fines, prison time, and probation depending on history of convictions and the current violation. The crimres range from a Class 6 to a Class 2 Felony. You can check A.R.S. § 13-3402 (peyote), A.R.S. § 13-3405 (marijuana), A.R.S. § 13-3407 (Dangerous Drugs including methamphetamine and LSD), and A.R.S. § 13-3408 (Narcotics including cocaine and crack) for specific definitions and penalties.

For more information see Speak Up! question #528.


11 thru 15 of 28 comments
On 02/27/04
Jenny lee from SD said:
yeah it can get you in trouble but its there own fault if they do get caught i guess if your gonna do drugs then you better stay home that would probably be safe then doin out in public so its not up to anyone to choose what that one person does except that one person.
On 02/07/04
Chris from Othe said:
Sheila, alcohol is far more dangerous than marijuana, and the consumption of it is far more likely to result in the harm of others than marijuana is. There isn't a single solid good reason as to why it's illegal. And, of course, so many people are quick to blame problems on the drugs rather than the stupid laws that create the said problems. The fact that I can be sent to court for smoking a relatively harmless substance in my own house is absolutely ludicrous.
On 01/25/04
jay from NY said:
in the words of trey anastasio "didnt you ever wonder why gettin' high's a crime? yea a crime"
On 01/25/04
Anita from NY said:
Well the few people who I read speaking out against drug use, typed like they were on it. Second of all there is no good reason that marijuana should be illegal. Most people dont even know why it was outlawed. It was because the hemp farmers were making more than the cotton farmers, and hemp could be used for a wide variety of things (anything from rope to fuel). Marijuana doesnt impair your judgment, nor has anyone been able to prove it causes cancer, or has any negative affects on your body. If we were to legalize marijuana like we should it would take alot of power away from the drug d
On 10/30/03
Ihatecops from AL said:
I was sent to court yesterday about speeding. The judge asked was i under the influence of anything. I said yes. I KNOW I KNOW BAD IDEA! I WAS STUPID! But can he really do anything cause i did not have it on me or was i possessing it. In the U.S. it is illegal to possess it not smoke it. You can go up to a cop and say ur the worst druggy in the world and he cant do a thing. UNLESS!!!! If there is resonable doubt such a parafonalia or u reak of pot or sumpin. i got 6 months probation for saying i smoked pot and failed the drug test but they have no proof i smoked it. I coulda been around i
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