Speak Up! - View Question #599

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Question: Is desecration of a flag illegal in Arizona?

Answer: Yes. As addressed by Arizona Law (ARS 13-3703 A. 2), it is a class 2 misdemeanor to commit abuse of a venerated object, such as a flag, by intentionally casting contempt upon it, defacing, burning, trampling, etc., in a manner likely to provoke immediate physical retaliation.

11 thru 15 of 30 comments
On 07/21/03
2 guys (azn) from CA said:
Samantha, they didnt fight for the flag, they fought for our COUNTRY and OUR freedom soo walk away....if u want to burn the flag go to iraq and burn the flag not USA. soo walk away
On 06/26/03
Andy from AZ said:
In maintaining stare decisis, any court (state or federal) would immediately dismiss charges in accordance with precedent set by the Supreme Court's ruling in Texas v. Johnson, which shot down a Texas law that prohibited flag burning. The Court wisely ruled that flag burning is protected speech and therefore cannot be regulated. Don't worry, Arizona is always a little behind in repealing antiquated laws...sodomy was outlawed until just a few years ago, and just today the Supreme Court ruled that anti-sodomy laws are a violation of the right to privacy.
On 06/02/03
samantha from MD said:
I think that flag burning should be legal. come on you don't seriously think that people died for a piece of cloth do you!!! I am also doing a project in school and if that amendment passes it takes away freedom of speech(which covers the right to express yourself) Thats like tellling someone that they aren't allowed to carry around guns for protection. These people who burn flags are not hurting anyone they are just expressing the way they feel at that time.
On 05/26/03
Travis from TX said:
I burn flags very often, because i find it a helpful means of protest. if we cant burn american flags, what's to stop the government from saying that no you can't sppeak out against the government. It all gets very Orwellian, and i don't think we should cut freedoms down at all.
On 05/07/03
hsdhdshd from NY said:
The flag is not a holy object and should not be worshiped as a divine artifact. The people who died for this country did not die for the FLAG they died for the country. The flag also does not represent our freedoms or way of life, its merely a symbol of the U.S. Our country is not defined by it's flag or by the Statue of Liberty or all that other nonsense, the country is what it IS, it's policies and its people. The pledge of alleigance should not have the word flag in it, why pledge to a cloth rectangle that represents 13 colonies and 50 states? The flag is only a symbol that indicates somet
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