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Question: Is desecration of a flag illegal in Arizona?

Answer: Yes. As addressed by Arizona Law (ARS 13-3703 A. 2), it is a class 2 misdemeanor to commit abuse of a venerated object, such as a flag, by intentionally casting contempt upon it, defacing, burning, trampling, etc., in a manner likely to provoke immediate physical retaliation.

16 thru 20 of 30 comments
On 05/04/03
Rob from IN said:
Burning a flag is a right accorded to citizens of the United States of America by the Constitution of the United States in the form of freedom of expression. The act of burning a flag is not anti-patriotic. It symbolizes our freedom in this country TO BE ALLOWED to burn the flag. If not done for this purpose, it may be disrespectful but certaintly not illegal under any true democratic goverment where the people understand what is meant by freedom. Just because something makes a person mad or disrespects their government does not mean it should be instantly turned into a crime. People who advo
On 05/01/03
Jenny from AZ said:
I strongly disagree with the burning of the flag. If you burn the flag you are burning your symbol of freedom. At the end of the war our flag still flew.
On 04/25/03
Tifanie from ID said:
Burning the flag is very wrong and i don't believe that it should be allowed in this coiuntry no matter what. The flag is a symbol of our country and no just some piece of fabric it is a national symbol.
On 04/03/03
anna from OK said:
I am doing a project for school n i think the desecration of a flag is very wrong. Our flag shows our respect for our country. Our people have fought for our flag and your gonna sit their n burn it? Anyone who has family out there or did have family who fought in the wars should have a heart and understand that this is wrong.
On 03/28/03
Ty from AZ said:
No, if you want to Burn the Flag just move yourself to another country where you have no freedoms. I bet you one thing if our forefathers would have ever thought that any so called American would have ever stoop so low as to burning the flag they would have no dought made it a crime in the constitution. OH ya, YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN. Because according to JESUS one can burn the flag but the soul that dies without being SAVED will burn forever in the devil's lair. The value of a soul lead GOD to come to this sinful earth to die for you and all mankind.
16 thru 20 of 30 comments

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