Speak Up! - View Question #599

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Question: Is desecration of a flag illegal in Arizona?

Answer: Yes. As addressed by Arizona Law (ARS 13-3703 A. 2), it is a class 2 misdemeanor to commit abuse of a venerated object, such as a flag, by intentionally casting contempt upon it, defacing, burning, trampling, etc., in a manner likely to provoke immediate physical retaliation.

21 thru 25 of 30 comments
On 02/28/03
TJ from IL said:
I myself think that burning a flag is perfectly fine. People say that they have pride in their country, but how many times have you said "school sucks" or "work sucks" or "this town sucks"? People just say they have pride in a country to show off. Why pledge alligence to a peice of cloth? It's not holy or anything. Being's from another planet would find it amusing that we practicually worship a peice of cloth. If you make your own flag and burn it are you going to get arrested? How about if you draw a good picture of a flag on paper and burn it? Technicually, they are flags, nonetheless. Yo
On 02/22/03
doug from AZ said:
To 'first amendment": your statement that no one has the right to tell you that you cannot burn a flag is wrong. Although the first amendment does allow flag burning as a "right", during times of war sedition acts are often passed to smother traitorism. Sedition acts outlaw flag burning and disrespect to the government and army. Next time, look a little deeper into an issue than your moral belief.
On 10/23/02
first amendment from AZ said:
No one has the right to tell another what and what not to do with their own property! If it's your flag, do with it what you will! I can guarantee you that our Revolutionaly War heros desecrated the British flag! If you think flag-burning should be illegal, go to some Communist country where it is illegal! But do not force your "values" upon others.
On 10/08/02
Daisy from AZ said:
30 years ago a man named Abbey Hoffman was beaten and arrested by police for wearing a shirt with the American flag design. Now, people can purchase ANY item of clothing with the same design, even underwear, and wear it proudly to show patriotism. I call it jingoism, false patriotism. Another thing, most of the cheap trinkets and clothing with the Amrican flag design that we can purchase are made by children is sweatshops in third world countries. How is that for freedom!?
On 10/07/02
anony from AZ said:
this is unconstiutional!!!!!!!!!111
21 thru 25 of 30 comments

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