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Question: Can minors get pulled over solely for having super tinted windows? What is the legal limit for tinted windows?


In Arizona, anyone can get pulled over for violating the law concerning the tinting of windows. Arizona Law (A.R.S. § 28-959.01) says that any material on the window that lets through less than 33% of the light entering it is illegal.


26 thru 30 of 55 comments
On 03/09/04
Jay from IL said:
Cops have reasons to pull cars over. This is called probable cause. Tinted windows are probable cause. I was once pulled over. I had a hard time convinced the cop the windows are legal if you have a doctors note. He still wanted to search the car. I said since he now knows the windows are legal his probable cause no longer exists. I had to go to work. They don't like the possibility that they could get shot. They should get into a new line of work if they can't take the stress.
On 03/09/04
Kari from IL said:
Where did you find that is or isnt legal to have tint in Illinois. I looked at the Secretary of State website and it says you cannot have tint. Please let me know where you got your info. from? Thanks, Kari
On 03/09/04
robby from NJ said:
i also agree the law MUST be changed.i read a comment from an officer and i to put my interior lights on and roll down both driver and passenger windows so the officer feels more comfortable. but today i got pulled over in hightstown nj soely for having tinted windows.i did absolutely nothing wrong. and the officer was a *&*^ about it.he even knew where i went to school. like he had been watching me for a while and finally had seen me in my car. i also do not want to expose my car to thiefs because i like to keep my car nice with some fancy epuip. to all those who read this,the law must change
On 03/05/04
owais from MN said:
I am from Mn. I drove my nissan for 8 months,and I never got pulled over.All of a sudden right before spring break i got pulled over and got a ticket for tinted windows what is the world is that. It was 25% tint according to the sheriff, but oh well 112$ ticket was enough get me mad.
On 02/23/04
Rob from NJ said:
I'm an officer from Jersey and can tell you guys firsthand that I approach cars with tint a little more cautiously. As long as the driver and passenger roll down their windows before I approach the vehicle and keep their hands in sight and don't make any quick movements, they won't have any problems. It is a myth that all cars with tint are masking some criminal activity. I have tint on my personal car and always make sure to roll down my windows when stopped and light up all interior lights before the officer approaches. You could still be fined though depending on your states laws. Go VOTE..
26 thru 30 of 55 comments

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