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Question: Can minors get pulled over solely for having super tinted windows? What is the legal limit for tinted windows?


In Arizona, anyone can get pulled over for violating the law concerning the tinting of windows. Arizona Law (A.R.S. § 28-959.01) says that any material on the window that lets through less than 33% of the light entering it is illegal.


31 thru 35 of 55 comments
On 02/11/04
Justin from AZ said:
supposively the reason for window tint being illegal is so the cops can see you... but the thing is, if you can have any tint on your back and rear side windows, cops cant see you until your right there. if someone wanted to shoot a cop theyd do it while he was on his way to the car, not wait until he can see. also here in az its very hot and that helps more than most people can imagine.
On 01/04/04
Officer O'Branly from NY said:
As for the NYC law regarding Tinted Windows, is it illegal to have your cars windows (including Passenger sides, Driver sides, and back Windshield) tinted pass 5 to 10%, if only including you have a medical condition and have proof your thus allowed for the reason of your windows being tinted pass the minimum required tints, and as for Sarah referring to Police Officers as being donut eaters, as I recall, civilian like yourself are the first ones to call us when your in trouble there buddy. So in conclusion, if your a NY state driver you will be pulled over regardless, until your manner is cor
On 07/26/03
Danny from IL said:
The main reason why tinted windows are illegal in some states, and illegal to a certain point in other states is that police need to be able to see drivers. Police can not see through tinted windows, obviously, and law enforcement doesn't want to take chances with drivers having conceiled weapons for example. If you live in NYC, it is worse there. The city has told every cop to give as many tickets as possible to help build the city up again ever since 9-11. I live in Illinois where it is illegal to have tints period in the front driver and passenger windows.
On 07/19/03
Alysson from MN said:
My eyes are extremely sensitive to light and I find that the tint on the side windows helps me to actually see better since it cuts down on the glare. I just bought a used car 2 days ago and already got stopped and asked if I'd had the tinting checked. JEEZ! I've had the car for two days what do you think? Of course I haven't. The tint is not even that dark! It's very light tint. I suppose even if the tint is legal I now have become a cop magnet. GREAT! I don't do anything wrong but I don't want to be stopped everywhere I go just because the car that I found to buy happened to have window
On 07/16/03
sarah from MO said:
I just got pulled over for my windows being tented the cops here are nothing but doughnut eaters! i have stuff to hide its ccalled stereo equipment, money, and cds.
31 thru 35 of 55 comments

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