Speak Up! - View Question #600

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Question: What is the penalty for assault and battery?

Answer: The laws are different in every state, but are basically a crime. Punishment usually depends on how serious it was, if a weapon was involved, was the victim physically injured, etc. In many states a juvenile accused of assault can (or must) be tried as an adult. Penalties include jail, prison, probation, fines, restitution, community service and counseling. The Judge considers the age of the person, their record and the seriousness of the crime.

46 thru 50 of 85 comments
On 09/28/05
from MA said:
Recently a girl i new hit me and we started to fight she hit me back and then we got broken apart then she began to fight with other girls but since i think she didnot know the other girls she put an assault charge on me now i have to go to court for it. How can I prove that i did not do all those damages to her and she also hit me too but i did not witness her getting beat by the other girls but i heard from other people i need to prove myself innocent??????
On 08/21/05
Ron from SC said:

My wife and I was letting a friend and her husband stay with us for a few days because they did not have a place to stay. Her husband hit me because they were fighting in our house. I asked them to go outside and he knocked all my front teeth out and a bad cut on my upper lip, 25 stiches total. My medical bills will total around 4800.00 not to mention lost wages going to dentists and doctors. Above that I will carry a scar on my face for a long time and lost my front teeth. The law calls this a mistermeaner, I personally do not think so.

On 08/16/05
Anna from IL said:
i am being charged for battery. i am a girl but i hit a biy with a bat on his arms twice and i have a court date for next week. they say the boy went to the hospital and had casts on h8is arms but no bones were broken this is my 1 st offense with the law what are some of the punishments i will recieve
On 05/29/05
billy from OK said:
I broke a girls bone the other day and the police said they were going to charge me with assault and battery, but I didn't hit or hurt her. Can they do that? Or will this charge even hold up?
On 05/26/05
jp from GA said:
OK im 17 and a 15 yr old hit me... if i have him on tape confessing to everything and i severly injure him nearly to death,,,what will happen 2 me
46 thru 50 of 85 comments

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