Speak Up! - View Question #600

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Question: What is the penalty for assault and battery?

Answer: The laws are different in every state, but are basically a crime. Punishment usually depends on how serious it was, if a weapon was involved, was the victim physically injured, etc. In many states a juvenile accused of assault can (or must) be tried as an adult. Penalties include jail, prison, probation, fines, restitution, community service and counseling. The Judge considers the age of the person, their record and the seriousness of the crime.

31 thru 35 of 85 comments
On 09/06/06
l.sully from CO said:
My father was very ill with emphazema and was on 10 liters of o2 and my mother in law use to beat on him constantly he was once suffering a heart attack and she offered to bring him to the hospital afer she took a shower so he called a cab at 68 he has now passed away still being physically abused even in the hospital can i bring any kind of charges against her
On 07/25/06
P- from NC said:
People who threaten and harm others have no one to blame but themselves if something bad happens and they get seriously hurt, maimed, or killed. I believe that people should leave others alone, especially when no one is bothering them. I wonder what the law says about somebody who loses it and kills someone after being taunted and bothered to the point where they kill the person.
On 06/12/06
DL from NY said:
My sister was hit with a metal baseball bat twice in the back left marks on her body. The person who did it was a cousin. She got placed under arrest and was out on bail in a couple hours. The cops said it was assault in the 2nd. Why was the cousin able to be out on bail? What is or could happen to her?
On 06/12/06
sharela from KY said:
a boy called me a name so i was offended so i took off my boot and hit him in the head with it and i was charged with assult
On 05/25/06
david from MD said:
I was horsing around with a friend and I put in a head lock. I did not hurt him and he did not ask me to stop. Now he is charging me with 2nd degree battery. Why
31 thru 35 of 85 comments

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