Speak Up! - View Question #63

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Question: What is the punishment for leaving the scene of a car accident?

Answer: Under Arizona Law (ARS §28-663), the driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to or death of a person or damage to a vehicle that has a person in it shall:

1. Give the driver's name and address and the registration number of the vehicle that the driver is driving

2. On request, show the person's driver's license to the person struck or the driver of the vehicle collided with

3. Render reasonable assistance to a person injured in the accident, including making arrangements for getting the person to a physician or hospital for medical treatment if it is apparent that the treatment is necessary or if the injured person requests it.

A person who fails to comply with these requirements (of ARS §28-663) is guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

Under Arizona Law (ARS §28-661), a driver of a vehicle, involved in an accident that results in injury to or death of a person, must:

1. Immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident or as close to the accident scene as possible, but shall immediately return to the accident scene.

2. Remain at the accident scene until the driver has fulfilled the requirements of ARS §28-663 (see above).

A driver is guilty of a Class 4 felony is he is involved in an accident that results in death or serious physical injury and he does not stop or comply with these requirements. Note that if the driver caused the accident, he is guilty of a Class 3 felony.

A driver is guilty of a Class 6 felony if he is involved in an accident that results in injury, but not death or a serious physical injury, and fails to stop or comply with the requirements of ARS §28-663 (see above).

Under Arizona Law (ARS §28-662), a driver of a vehicle, involved in an accident that only results to damage to a vehicle driven, must:

1. Immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident or as close to the accident scene as possible, but shall immediately return to the accident scene.

2. Remain at the accident scene until the driver has fulfilled the requirements of ARS §28-663.

3. Make the stop without obstructing traffic any more than necessary

A person is guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor if he fails to stop or comply with ARS §28-662.

11 thru 12 of 12 comments
On 09/19/02
Dan from AZ said:
That is what happens. Now, if you are a drunk driver, and you accidentally kill someone, that is now classified as murder.
On 12/06/01
george from AZ said:
I think that even if you dont mean to and you hit someone because you were drunk or speeding you should be put in jail and not just get a misdamener
11 thru 12 of 12 comments

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