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Question: Can a minor have a car title under their name?

Answer: After researching this question and discussing it with analysts at the Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) we have concluded that there is no law that prohibits a minor from holding title to a vehicle.

However, all vehicles must be insured if they are operated on Arizona streets or highways. A minor cannot enter into a binding contract and, thus, insurance companies will not enter into a contract with a minor to insure a vehicle. MVD advises us that some insurance companies will cover the vehicle by entering into a contract with a person who is not the owner, thus, a minor/owner might be able to have their car insured if the parent entered into the insurance contract for them.

Another option is Arizona Revised Statute 28-4084 which allows a $40,000.00 certificate of deposit to be posted to cover the financial responsibility requirements rather than having an insurance policy to insure the vehicle. There is no age limit for depositing the certificate of deposit in lieu of insurance.

1 thru 5 of 19 comments
On 12/12/08
tiffan from OH said:
At the age of 16 my mom put my car in my name she had to sign a parent consent form which is free. When I sold the car my mom had to sign a parent consent form giving me the right to sell my car. I then bought a 2002 durango which was also put in my name doing the same as before, When it came to the Insurance issues as long as my mother signed the papers along with myself I was able to get insurance in my name as well.. I hope this helps those in question, I have an awesome mom too...Tiffany
On 02/25/08
from FL said:
i have a grandmother that went to the doctors and her kidneys are bad she wants to make a will but she also wants to put the car in good hands.. im only 16 and she wants to put it in my name
On 02/12/08
Laura from AZ said:

What Mark said is not necessarily true. Being a minor makes the contract voidable by the minor until they reach the age of majority. Once the age of majority is reached it is voidable only after a reasonable amount of time for the minor to void the contract, then it's completely enforcible. Most auto dealers do not want to enter into a contract with a minor for this reason.

On 01/28/08
Mark from AZ said:
Legally, minors do not have contract rights. Usually involving a minor on nearly any form of agreement or contract immediately voids the contract.
On 01/08/08
beth from OK said:
i'm 17 with a car that only has my name on the title. my father bought it for me and now we aren't on good terms and he wants the car back. i heard that if you are a minor, whatever you own, your parents own as well. is that true? could he change the name on the title without my consent? could he legally put the car under his name just because he's my father?
1 thru 5 of 19 comments

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