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Question: Can a minor have a car title under their name?

Answer: After researching this question and discussing it with analysts at the Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) we have concluded that there is no law that prohibits a minor from holding title to a vehicle.

However, all vehicles must be insured if they are operated on Arizona streets or highways. A minor cannot enter into a binding contract and, thus, insurance companies will not enter into a contract with a minor to insure a vehicle. MVD advises us that some insurance companies will cover the vehicle by entering into a contract with a person who is not the owner, thus, a minor/owner might be able to have their car insured if the parent entered into the insurance contract for them.

Another option is Arizona Revised Statute 28-4084 which allows a $40,000.00 certificate of deposit to be posted to cover the financial responsibility requirements rather than having an insurance policy to insure the vehicle. There is no age limit for depositing the certificate of deposit in lieu of insurance.

6 thru 10 of 19 comments
On 08/27/07
kass from TN said:
i am 16 and my grandparents want to give me a car but only if they can put it in my name, because my parents might get devorcied and she doesnt want them to take it from me and try to use it or sell it. i have a job a can deffinatly pay insurence and gas.
On 07/02/07
Haley from TX said:
Im 16 and I have a job so i've been looking for a car that im going to buy with my own money. And i think that if im going to buy it with my own money that i should be able to put my name on the title. My mother doesnt think i can put my name on the title as the owner because i am only 16. Can i or cant i?
On 05/31/07
darry from IL said:
i am 17 and plan on buy a car soon and think i can handle it. i have a part time job making $14 an hr. I think i am capabile of taking care of all the resopsibilites it comes with
On 06/16/06
nick from MN said:
i want to see a sixteen yr old try to buy a car then pay for gas good luck in your geo metro
On 06/16/06
nick from MN said:
a sixteen year old has no way to take care of a car unless they drop school and work for the rest of their life and make pretty good pay
6 thru 10 of 19 comments

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