Speak Up! - View Question #90

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Question: My parents are divorced with joint custody but I really don't want to spend very much time with my father. How are custody issues decided?

Answer: In divorce cases the judge makes custody decisions based on what he or she considers to be best for the children. Changes in custody agreements are made only after the parents have formally requested a change and demonstrated that the change is best for the child. (A.R.S. § 25-403).


21 thru 25 of 38 comments
On 12/04/05
Gretchen Bell from IL said:
My parents separated when I was too little to remember and I moved to Illinois which is 12 hours away from my dad and grandparents. I want to live with my grandparents and my mom wont let me because she thinks i'll end up pregnant or something. All i want is to be closer to my family down there and be able to let them know who I really am. I'd like to move in with my dad because he really hasnt been able to see me grow up and i only have a couple years before I have to go on my own. I dont want us to never be close and I know i'm close to my mom and step-dad. I dont know how to deal with it?
On 11/14/05
Tiffany from IN said:
I want to live with my dad becouse my mom has put me through hell and im 16 and tring to make a life for myself and i cant to it worring if she is going to relaps what can i do to live with my dad
On 10/06/05
Daniel from CA said:
I am sick of the problems with my mom and she wont let me move with my dad. How can i go past her and move with him?
On 09/12/05
Ebony from Othr said:
I live in Australia.... My parents seperated when i was 8 moths old but i still have problems with them being divorced. Its really hard for me
On 06/28/05
dustin from MN said:
when i was 4 my parents got divorced and now my mom lives 2 hours away from my dad and i wish i could see my dad more often but i want to stay in the same schoo district i just want to ask anybody else have u been down alot in your life and very emotional and sensitive since divorce maybe we can talk about it
21 thru 25 of 38 comments

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