Welcome to the LawForKids.org Virtual Tour of Juvenile Detention.
Our tour guide today will be Jay, a resident at the South East Facility Juvenile
Detention Center in Mesa, Arizona.
You can click on any picture during your tour to learn more about a certain area
of the Juvenile Detention Facility. And on each page, clicking on the Listen
will let you listen to Jay tell you about areas of the Detention Facility
(sound might take up to a minute to download over a phone modem Internet connection).
Click on the
icon to begin your tour, now.
And remember, you can always go back to LawForKids.org by closing the tour, or
clicking on Back to LawForKids.org Home on
each page. And you can jump to any page of the tour by clicking a number at the bottom
of each page.
you are finished with your tour, you can write
a letter to Jay leting him know what you think of life in detention.