Speak Up! - View Question #103

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Question: Is there a law that prohibits minors from attending R-rated movies?

Answer: There is no law passed by Arizona or the Federal Government that prohibits minors from attending R-rated movies. The rating system that you are asking about is put out by the Motion Picture Association. Theatre owners voluntarily enforce the guidelines. Currently, about 85% of theatres in the United States subscribe to this system and will not admit individuals under 17 to R-rated movies without a parent or guardian present. If you would like more information regarding MPAA and their rating system, call the MPAA at 220-293-1966 or visit their website www.mpaa.org

11 thru 15 of 34 comments
On 10/29/07
Kati from MI said:
I think that any age should be allowed into a rated R movie because its stupid to try to protect us from stuff we see every day anyways
On 09/21/07
Teniel from NC said:
There should not be an age limit to rated r movies. I mean if a mother doesnt want to take her five year old into a slasher movie, thats her business. But if you are able to buy your ticket, then whats holding you back? a stupid rule that says just because your not eighteen yet you can see it? a rated r movie will not affect a thirteen year old any differently than a twenty year old, and thats the truth, rather parents like it or not.
On 09/04/07
Erin from CA said:
I am a mother and I am also a horror movie fanatic. I am an aspiring special effects makeup artist. I think it is completely irresponsible for any parent to take a child under the age of 13 to any R rated movie. I am personally made uncomfortable when there is a sex scene and there are young children in the theatre. Not to mention all the blood and gore that these children are not yet prepared to see. It is absurd and it infuriates me. You may not care about your children but I do and I would appreciate very much if you'd get a babysitter when appropriate. I know I do.
On 07/03/07
ashlyn from IN said:
I think it is absurd!!! You should be able to be any age to go to a rated R movie. I could understand not selling a ticket to a 10-12 year old but otherwise it should matter your age... Or it should be a parent may buy your ticket if your are under 17...
On 05/31/07
guy from AK said:
those laws are dumb, anybody should be allowed!!!!!!
11 thru 15 of 34 comments

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