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Question: Is there a law that prohibits minors from attending R-rated movies?

Answer: There is no law passed by Arizona or the Federal Government that prohibits minors from attending R-rated movies. The rating system that you are asking about is put out by the Motion Picture Association. Theatre owners voluntarily enforce the guidelines. Currently, about 85% of theatres in the United States subscribe to this system and will not admit individuals under 17 to R-rated movies without a parent or guardian present. If you would like more information regarding MPAA and their rating system, call the MPAA at 220-293-1966 or visit their website www.mpaa.org

16 thru 20 of 34 comments
On 06/08/06
from AR said:
i think that the age limit is good..sometimes..but other times its kinda dumb..i think it sould be like 15..and i know parents think that they are protecting their kids from this stuff..but alot of times if you know who is at the window you can get in anyway..i dont know..but either there needs to be a limit..and it should be enforced..or they just need to forget it.
On 05/17/06
Cj from MN said:
Honestly... I feel that the whole age limit is stupid. Even though the things in the movies are "so horrible"..and "graphic"..and "kids under 17 shouldnt be able to see it".. thats bs.I am sure they've already done it or seen it done. I can turn on my tv after school and watch things worse or hear about worse. Even walking down South Minneapolis streets you hear worse and see worse.. so should there be an age limit on how old you have to walk down the streets as well?!
On 05/05/06
Haley from NC said:
Here's what's messed up in NC: You can buy an unrated movie(which coulc potentially be worse than an r-rated movie) at 17, but you can't get into an R-rated movie until you're 18(without an adult). How whacked up is that?
On 05/05/06
Bill from AL said:
There should be a law, we've got to protect our children from HORRIBLE images.
On 03/07/06
Elisha from MI said:
we are debating this issue in my class. i think if we have a drivers license then we should be able to go into a rated R movie b/c that obviusly means we are held liable to drive down the road by our selves and ther is no law saying we cant go into a rated R movie. the movie theater basically just made that up. there needs to be a law enforced if they are going to say people under 17 arnt allowed in R rated movies. i have more to say but im limmited.
16 thru 20 of 34 comments

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