Speak Up! - View Question #112

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Question: How do I become emancipated from my step mom and dad (they're married and I live with them)?

Answer: The parents of a minor have a duty to support him or her. When a minor can show that he is able to support himself, he may become an emancipated minor. Whether there are legal formalities depends upon the state in which he lives. In California a minor may get a court to declare him emancipated.

In Arizona there is no statute providing for such a declaration. However, if a minor marries legally, and/or supports himself independently, with no need of support from a parent, he may be treated under the law as emancipated.

However, what this gets him is pretty much just the ability to be sued for debts that he incurs for his own support. It does not appear that it protects him from the efforts of the parent to control him.

Please check the specific statutes or laws in your state for more information.

76 thru 80 of 83 comments
On 09/20/03
Frances from VA said:
My mother and father have become more and more abusive, (physically and emotionally.) I do not have a job or any place to go, except over seas to Thailand, do you think I could be emancipated if I get a job or I find a repsonisble adult friend to care for me?
On 09/07/03
Emily from MO said:
What are the specifics of becoming an emancipated minor in the state of Missouri.
On 05/08/03
Krista from MT said:
What kind of rules does Montana have for emancipation?
On 12/21/02
Emily from MO said:
What kind of rules does AZ have on emancipation?
On 10/09/02
Alicia from AZ said:
Well i have been on my own for 3 years because my mom left me when i was in the eighth grade. I have taken care of myself since and have lived on my own for almost a year now. My boyfriend and i just moved to AZ from CA (and its not easy to be emancipated in Ca either). Im scared to let anyone know that i live alone (w/out parents/guardians) because i dont need a foster home. I can and have taken care of myself just fine! I think if you can prove that you have taken care of you rself then the state shouldnt stand in your way. Adults are always complaining about how immature kids are now days.
76 thru 80 of 83 comments

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