Speak Up! - View Question #112

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Question: How do I become emancipated from my step mom and dad (they're married and I live with them)?

Answer: The parents of a minor have a duty to support him or her. When a minor can show that he is able to support himself, he may become an emancipated minor. Whether there are legal formalities depends upon the state in which he lives. In California a minor may get a court to declare him emancipated.

In Arizona there is no statute providing for such a declaration. However, if a minor marries legally, and/or supports himself independently, with no need of support from a parent, he may be treated under the law as emancipated.

However, what this gets him is pretty much just the ability to be sued for debts that he incurs for his own support. It does not appear that it protects him from the efforts of the parent to control him.

Please check the specific statutes or laws in your state for more information.

11 thru 15 of 83 comments
On 08/12/06
kristen from MO said:
I am 16. I lived in a small town for a while and now i live far away. I lived by my b/f and now it is long distance. Me and my mom constantly fight. I cry every day because of her i am emotionally distressed.
On 06/02/06
Andrew from MO said:
I have a job that pays good moneyand can depend on myself and even afford my car insurance and I just dont want to put up with my step father any more. if some one can help me i would apreciate it.
On 04/29/06
samamtha from MI said:
im 14 and me and my mom constantly fight. its unbearable and i really want to be legally emancipated how long would the process take?
On 03/05/06
Sarah / from FL said:
My name i sarah . i will be 17 years old in 25 days, and i currently am in tha orange count youth center, b/c my dad and stepmom, dant want me living with them. I need to know how to go about this, b/c i have no place to go and no job.
On 02/06/06
Jamie from OK said:
hello my names jamie and my parents are in the middle of a divorce and both preform so much adultry its not even very funny. I am 16 and will be 17 in september. My father hits me when i make the slightest mistake and my mom lives in missouri with her b/f who always wants to fight me. I wold like to know how I can get a lawyer to help me get emancipated and move back to my home town to get away from them both? Please help me........Jamie My e-mail
11 thru 15 of 83 comments

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