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Question: How do I become emancipated from my step mom and dad (they're married and I live with them)?

Answer: The parents of a minor have a duty to support him or her. When a minor can show that he is able to support himself, he may become an emancipated minor. Whether there are legal formalities depends upon the state in which he lives. In California a minor may get a court to declare him emancipated.

In Arizona there is no statute providing for such a declaration. However, if a minor marries legally, and/or supports himself independently, with no need of support from a parent, he may be treated under the law as emancipated.

However, what this gets him is pretty much just the ability to be sued for debts that he incurs for his own support. It does not appear that it protects him from the efforts of the parent to control him.

Please check the specific statutes or laws in your state for more information.

1 thru 5 of 83 comments
On 02/24/09
Beren from OK said:
My biological mom and dad split up and left when I was 3, my father gained custody of me and I've lived with him my whole life. When I was 5 he married my step-mom we do not get along she things she can hit me and emotionally abuse me and I need to get out what do I do.
On 01/16/09
Ashlin from MO said:
My mom is in prison and my uncle jist got out and my grandma has caused my aunt to have many bypolar disorders from the past and now that they all left her she got custody of me and she takes it all out on me she's constantly calling me names, throwing me around, and hitting me. we've gotton into several fights for not one resonable thing, and itll continue happening and ill wind up like my aunt if i dont become emancipated. im doing this just so i can leave her cause she will not jist sign for it, but ill be going to live with my bestest friend scince 4th grade and her mom is wiling to do so.
On 01/06/08
Maeve from CO said:
I am 14 and 8 months. How I can be emancipated from my step mom and dad? I lived with them for over two (2)years since my mom move to Hawaii. I want to get a job when I turn 15 in Hawaii. I want to be with my mom because of the verbal, emotional, psychological abused I've been through with my step mom and dad. I asked my dad more than a couple times if I can live with my mom in Hawaii but he won't answer the questions. I am tired living with them. I have no life, and my dad is unable to support my extra curricular activities because of he has no time for me. Please help me what I need to do
On 11/29/07
Rose from NY said:
I' 15, and I am adopted. I know you have to wait until you're 16 to get emancipated so I can wait 4 months. I will be gettin a job as soon as i turn 16 and will hopefully be able to support myself. My adopted mother and her son have been abusing me all of my life and I've ad enough. How do I get emancipated?
On 11/15/07
Nicole from AZ said:
How do I go about getting emancipated in Arizona? I have researched all the requirements and am ready to do it; but I am unsure what to do...do I need to write a letter to someone or...?
1 thru 5 of 83 comments

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