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6 thru 10 of 60 comments |
On 05/17/06
lindsey from OK said:
i am 17. i am 9weeks pregnant. am i allowed to move out of my house legally?
On 05/08/06
danie from LA said:
i am having a baby and i am not with the father any more. He keeps telling me that he is going to take my baby, what should i do
On 04/11/06
gh from KY said:
in kentucky if you are sixteen and you find out that you are pregnant you are considered a leagal adult and are able to do as you wish without your parents permission. so it is pretty much understood that once you become pregnant regarless of age you are emancipated.
On 03/18/06
from AZ said:
This question must have been asked a long time ago. There is a new law about emancipation - see question 18496!
On 10/05/05
Jessica from TX said:
I was just wondering how to go about getting emansapated like is it only if you enlist on the military My mom moved me to TX and i really wanna go back to where i use to live like i have a place to live and everything but i know my mom will fight it in court if i try is there anyway i can do it?? Im really not happy here.
6 thru 10 of 60 comments |