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16 thru 20 of 60 comments |
On 02/28/05
ozie from AZ said:
Im 17 and got my girl friend pregnant and her mom dosnt NOT aprove of me can she get emansipated ?
On 06/12/04
lauren from GA said:
Im 16 and pregant and also wondering if i can leave without my parents consent i think as long as your wanting to move out into a safe inviroment you should be able to move but if my parents want let me move out im going to get married cause as long as you have written proof from your doctor being pregnant you can get mariied im pretty sure of it.
On 05/18/04
stephanie from CA said:
hey i am 14 and two months pregnant the law here in cali says that I can get emancipated if I have a job my mom wants me to never see the father of my child agian but I do anyways and she also wants to make me lose my baby by taking birth control until i miscarry but I am old enough to support my baby esspecially with the fathers help casue with his job he could suport us without me doing anything I think that you should be legally emancipated when you get pregnant Not only if u are responsible enough but to take resonsibillity of your actions.
On 05/14/04
Amanda from TX said:
I just had twins they are girls I wanted boys but i love them just the same. My parents weren't delighted to find out their youngest child was to be a mother but here I am with 3 week old babies healthy and bueatiful they helped me in some ways but also they ended my life as a teenager. I enjoy the girls very much They are Kianey and Kaylie they are a delight and are making coo sounds its so adorable. Baby B (Kaylie) was a strugler though she has to be on a heart monitor until shes 9 months. SHe is the weakling. Kianey is strong not olny appearence wise but by heart she is my angel. I love the
On 05/07/04
Ashley from ME said:
I dont blame you at all for wanting to be emancipated i am in the same boat as you are. But my parents will not sign the papters no matter what. In Maine you have to have your parents sign the papers before you can leave.
16 thru 20 of 60 comments |