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21 thru 25 of 60 comments |
On 04/30/04
victoria from MD said:
I am 3 months pregnant. I also think that we should beable to get emansipated. Everyone in my family is against me.I live with just my father and he keeps giving me papers about adoption and telling me to get an abortion. I refuse to do either. I never planned to get pregnant but I'm taking responsibility for my mistakes. There is only two people that will help me out and thats my boyfriend and this women. they have always been there for me no matter what happens. ive been with my boyfriend for about 3 years and we both plan to help each other out. hope everyone having a child gets though it.
On 04/22/04
Mary from VA said:
Maybe you should ask your Dad about emancipation. I am pregnant and due in 5 weeks. I am soon to be out on my own and have talked about it with my Dad. He will allow me when I can get my own place with the baby's Dad and have everything I need without him to worry. Then he will even help me as much as he can. Try talking to him and if that doesn't work, call social services and tell them what is going on and that you would like to get out on your own and emancipated. Of course you will have to be able to support youself too. I know these things because I am going through it too. Good luck!
On 04/18/04
Rachel from VA said:
A lot of people think that having a child is a game and that you still have your life after you have your kid but you don't every thing changes and most the men just up and leave. I am 17 years old and I have a full time job as a waitress I make about 800 dollers a week from tips and plus my check is extra money i am 3 months pregnant and due November 4th and I have a good man by myside . My parents will sign so that i can be emancipated only because they know im responsible enough to make it on my own. I've worked since I was 14 and I have my GED. Having a kid isn't like a party. Be carful
On 04/16/04
autumn from PA said:
Im am 16 years old and i am 2 months pregnant. Everyone in my house does nothing but stress me out. My dad wont let me see the father of mah baby i have to sneak around behind his back to see him. Im never aloud out. They treat me like im 10 instead of 16 nearly an adult and having a baby in 7 months. There should be a law stating when you are pregnant that you are legally emancipated because some parents just cant deal and tend to do things the wrong way and stress you out only causin harm to your baby so if anyone finds out anything let me now thanks autumn
On 04/02/04
anonymous from TX said:
first of all to tyler... alot of parents had sex themselves when they were young and many of them became pregnant and were npt treated how we are when we are pregnant. they give us no support when they were given support. i believe that pregnant teens should be emancipated because not only do when have to take care of ourselves but we also have to take care of our child.
21 thru 25 of 60 comments |