Speak Up! - View Question #129

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Question: I am adopted, and I want to move back with my real parents, what should I do?

Answer: The answer to this question depends on what state you currently reside in, and in what state your adoption took place.

In general, when a child is adopted, the rights of their natural parents are terminated. A child's adoptive parents have the right and the duty to control and supervise the child they have adopted. If adoptive parents agree, an adopted child can move in with their natural parents. If they do not, the adoptive child cannot, and the natural parents can be in serious trouble with the law if they let the child move in without the permission of adoptive parents.

It may be helpful to review the actual court orders that provided for your adoption to see if any rights were granted to your natural parents, but this is unlikely.

11 thru 13 of 13 comments
On 09/17/02
charlie from NC said:
I am adopted and i realy would like to meat my parents i feel real bad and i feel like i have ben abandend but i know there r people that love me and i am specieaal in my own way i love U, CHARLIE :)
On 04/08/02
Breanna from AZ said:
I have a daughter who was adopted into another family. I made this choice myself, and I think that her adoptive parents are her real parents in every sense of the word. If she wanted to come live with me when she was older, it would be fine with me, but I would have to stop and point out to her everthing her adoptive parents have done for her. Those are her parents, whether I like it or not. I signed the papers willingly, and therefore I have no legal say in what happens to her anymore. But I still don't regret my decision.
On 01/09/02
L from RI said:
Unless you have been abused or neglicated I think your REAL parents are the people who have spent years providing for, taking care of, and loving you.
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