Question: I am 17 and have a child; can I move in with his father without my mothers consent?
Answer: In Arizona, and probably in most other states, your mother has the right and the duty to control and care for you until you are an adult. Being an adult in Arizona means either that you are 18 years old, or that you are emancipated. Therefore, you may not live anywhere except where your mother (or someone else who is given custody or guardianship of you by the court) tells you to live.
To become emancipated you must be able to support yourself. Providing for yourself means that you feed and cloth yourself, provide yourself with transportation to work and school, provide insurance, pay taxes, etc. You must be able to do all of these things, and you will be required to do all of these things for yourself.
In addition, if you try to move in with the father of your child who is an adult (18 or over) he can be prosecuted (read more about this...).
You have a lot to think about before you make your next move. Take time to consider it fully.
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On 05/22/07
Lauren from GA said:
Im 16 turning 17 in 5 months & I was wondering if it was alright to move out of my house w/out my parental consent in Georgia?? I hate how my parents always think they know whats best for me. Also I was wondering if a 17 yr old guy could move out at 17 also. I heard u can at 17 if you have a job. But guys have to wait till their 18,is that true? B/c I really want my soon to be husband and me living together we have been engaged for 4 months now and dating for 10 months but our parents told us we have to be over, but we sneak and talk the thing is tho he lives in menlo b/c they moved him ...
On 02/08/07
megan from TX said:
im 17 and i have a baby. im really wanting to move out. i live in tx and i dont know if it is legal to move out. i know with ur parents consent u can but im pregnant so is it legal?
On 02/05/07
amber from PA said:
I am in this situation where my mom is very mad at me because me and the father of my child claimed our own child and she is 9 mns old and she was allowing me to stay at his house to be with him and the baby wich is living there so i can graduate well she is threatning to send me away and call the cops on me i go to school every day and get good grades and take care of my child i am trying to have a family of my own just like the money we got from claiming my baby i got a car so that i can get a job and take responsability but she dont care i dont kbow wat to do i want to get emancipated
On 01/19/07
george from AL said:
Man the law this days think they can controll everything if a person is having a child they should be able to try things out. Just because you are young doesnt mean you are not goin to make it. Police should stick to what they do best and stop drugs,gangs,shoplifters,ect since when are they councilers.
On 11/17/06
yery from TX said:
well im not sure about yalls state but in TX. if ur 17 u can move out with ur parent's consent. i know what yall r going through not wanting to live at ur parent's house but take it from me ur better off there then anywhere else u will end up regreting moving out. and there is no turning back sometimes once u move out it wont be the same once u move back in with ur parents if they let u. but i moved in with my boyfriend...and now im i'd advice u to think it through before u move out...u dont want to end up like me plus its alot of responsiblity too n u have to make ur own money
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