Speak Up! - View Question #135

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Question: I am 17 and have a child; can I move in with his father without my mothers consent?

Answer: In Arizona, and probably in most other states, your mother has the right and the duty to control and care for you until you are an adult. Being an adult in Arizona means either that you are 18 years old, or that you are emancipated. Therefore, you may not live anywhere except where your mother (or someone else who is given custody or guardianship of you by the court) tells you to live.

To become emancipated you must be able to support yourself. Providing for yourself means that you feed and cloth yourself, provide yourself with transportation to work and school, provide insurance, pay taxes, etc. You must be able to do all of these things, and you will be required to do all of these things for yourself.

In addition, if you try to move in with the father of your child who is an adult (18 or over) he can be prosecuted (read more about this...).

You have a lot to think about before you make your next move. Take time to consider it fully.

26 thru 28 of 28 comments
On 02/29/04
Dominique from IN said:
Can my son and me move out of my parents home when i turn 17?
On 02/23/02
emily from MD said:
No, you shouldn't because what you do or want to do at 17 is not necessarily the right thing! Trust me by 25 you will look back and shutter at what you did at 17!!! Trust me I know...I am 28 and gave birth at 17. Life isn't all about doing what you want while your still a teenager!
On 10/09/01
Cheyenne from MI said:
I think that we should be able to do whatever we want at the age of 17!!! If we can move out on our own in this state at the age of 17, then why shouldn't we be able to move in with someone who is the father of the baby or move in with them because you two are seeing each other. I feel that if we can move out at 17 than we sould be able to move in with anyone that we want to. Whether our parents like that idea or not.
26 thru 28 of 28 comments

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