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Question: Can gays adopt in AZ?


The law in Arizona (ARS § 8-103) states that “any adult resident of this state, whether married, unmarried, or legally separated is eligible to qualify to adopt children. A husband and wife may jointly adopt children. ”


However, it is important to note that the child would still only have one legal parent. In addition, these children would not be entitled to additional health and social security benefits or inheritance rights. In the event of a separation, the child would not be entitled to child support from the non-legal parent and only the legal parent would have custody rights.


There are many things that gay or lesbian parents can do in order to protect the child later. An attorney can help them draw up the papers necessary to prevent the potential problems that may arise from a separation.

6 thru 10 of 17 comments
On 04/23/06
Alicia from AL said:
In response to Brea. I cannot believe you even think you have some sort of authority to say that homosexuals do not have what it "takes" to foster a child emotionally, mentally and spiritually...Can you provide me with some credible evidence that proves that homosexuals are incapable of raising a well adjusted child...Or some evidence that suggests homosexuals are unequal and do not recieve the right to adopt. Because anyone who is wise knows that prohibiting same sex couples with the right to marriage and adoption IS CLEARLY violating their liberty guarantees and right to EQUALITY.
On 04/03/06
Nicole from AZ said:
I think that if anyone should be able to adopt who cares if they are gay, lesbain, straight, married or single. If someone wants to adopt a child let them.
On 03/08/06
James from VA said:
Far to many children are in the foster care system looking for loving and nurturing families. It doesn't make sense to me for children to remain in institutions where they are not closely bonded with someone from either of the sexes instead of being adopted by qualified loving and caring indivduals. Many people who are against gays and lesbians adopting children have no idea of the intrusive questioning and the finacial cost that it takes to to qulaify to become an adoptive parent. As opposed to no qualifications imposed on heterosexual couples who can procreate at will.
On 02/01/06
Jeanett from TX said:
i just saw your comment about giving a kid "that kind of life". excuse me but what excactly do you mean by that? my bf has two moms, and you know what? he's a wonderful guy. my best friend is gay too. he's already decided he wants to adopt, he wants to give a needy child a loving home, isn't that what adoption is about? giving the child a home in which it can learn to recive and give affection? if the people can give the child a loving life and a family, someone to turn to, then who cares what the parents sexual preference is? what is my gay best friend? a person, and a good friend at that.
On 12/18/05
Ynot K. Tarvats from IL said:
I will not presume to know whether homosexuality is right or wrong, especially from a religious standpoint. Therefore, I accept gays and lesbians as another facet of the human race, and treat them with the same respect, kindness, and attitude as I would any other peson. By the way, who said that homosexual parents will _always_ mess a child's life up, or that they are incapable of caring for a child? For the child, they are still parents, and the child will learn to accept that his/her parents are gay, as others accept their parent's peculiarities.
6 thru 10 of 17 comments

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