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Question: Can gays adopt in AZ?


The law in Arizona (ARS § 8-103) states that “any adult resident of this state, whether married, unmarried, or legally separated is eligible to qualify to adopt children. A husband and wife may jointly adopt children. ”


However, it is important to note that the child would still only have one legal parent. In addition, these children would not be entitled to additional health and social security benefits or inheritance rights. In the event of a separation, the child would not be entitled to child support from the non-legal parent and only the legal parent would have custody rights.


There are many things that gay or lesbian parents can do in order to protect the child later. An attorney can help them draw up the papers necessary to prevent the potential problems that may arise from a separation.

11 thru 15 of 17 comments
On 09/24/05
Brea from AZ said:
I think that part of being gay should be to give up your rights to parenthood. A child is begun between a man and a woman, and if God had wanted two men or two women to be able to raise children, he would have made us asexual. This is not segregation all over again. Segregation was unequal rights among equal people. A black or mixed couple can raise children just as well as a white couple. Two gay parents can't provide for a child's emotional needs. A child needs the influence of both a man AND a woman as parents. A child needs home examples to understand relationships between men and women.
On 09/24/05
Brea from AZ said:
My mother recently decided that she was a lesbian, and tore apart our family. Her 'girl'friend's reason for breaking up with her last partner was that neither of them could get preg. (artificially) and that she wanted children. Although my mother kicked me out and I deny her friend as any type of family, I have a younger brother and sister who are now being taken from their father (slowly) and are being raised by the lesbians. I am worried about ow this will affect them later. I have already been teased about my mother, and I don't even see her often. My bro will grow up w/o male influence.
On 07/18/05
Gypsy King from AZ said:
I believe that gays and lesbians, single or paired, must have the same rights afforded everyone else. Having said this, the issue at the forefront is children in loving homes. I've seen, first hand, children in shelters and in placements awaiting adoption. All these children want is a home and people, I repeat, people who care about them regardless of thier sexual orientation. Ask any child in any of the placements mentioned above if they want to move into a home with people gay or straight who will be there for them and never give them up or if they want to stay where they are. I want a home.
On 07/07/05
Breanna from OH said:
Gays should have equal rights...but honestly people! think of the children. Why would you want to give a child that kind of life. Do you know how horrible they would feel!?! The problem here is not that gays arent equal....its that nobody is considering how the CHILD will feel about the situation. Thats putting so much stress and burden on a child. Why would you want to do that?
On 04/25/05
Genos from Othr said:
I do agree that everyone should have the same right, even if you gay you should have the same right as everyone else. If not, then this whole thing is about to turing racism.
11 thru 15 of 17 comments

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