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Question: If my dad trys to fight me and he punches me first will i go to jail for fighting him back???

Answer: You probably want to know if it would be considered self-defense. For self defense to apply he would have to hit you first AND you cannot have provoked the attack. If you did provoke your father you could be charged as well. Plus, you need to consider that it could be your word against his if no one else is present. The best thing to do in this situation is try to get away. If it is possible, leave and let the situation calm down. If your father beats you consistently tell an adult that you trust.

1 thru 4 of 4 comments
On 09/21/07
TAY from AZ said:
they said its domestic abuse/asult. so you would get charged. it sucks.
On 08/24/07
$$$ from AZ said:
police told me that if i try to fight back or try to get away from him because i was scared, (self defense) that i would be the one to get arrested not him. even though he hit me many times first.
On 05/24/07
heathe from AZ said:
When me and my mom got in a fight after she attacked me, I was also charged. They say you can hit back because it's not considered self-defense.
On 06/15/06
no comment =) from CA said:
if he's abused you in the past and stuff is fishy i would go for it. i've done the same, the cops are most likely to side with you as long as you are sure its in self defense. god bless you and good luck.
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