Speak Up! - View Question #178

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Question: What rights do parents have when a child turns 17?

Answer: A child is considered a minor in Arizona until their 18th birthday. That means that any time between birth and the day someone turns 18, they are considered a child for purposes of Arizona law. Children are in the care of the parents until they become adults, meaning parents make decisions about their care until they become adults.

Children can not enter into contracts, make legal decisions, or vote. Although there are some things that begin to change as you get older, for example, being able to earn a driver's license, you are still considered a child in the eyes of the law until you turn 18.

11 thru 15 of 87 comments
On 05/16/04
kiya from MN said:
I think you can I am trying to get emancipated myself I'm just trying to figure out the process But I do know that you can get emancipated at the age of 16 just you have to go to court and stuff, well good luck and I hope everything works out for you!
On 04/19/04
Whitney from FL said:
I want to know if, when you turn 18, you can legally move out of your parents house whether they agree with you or not. I am currently NOT enjoying my living arrangements with my father and want out. I will be turning 18 in 6 months and I need to know if it is possible for me to legally move out of my fathers house and LIFE at the age of 18. Please help me, I need to know. Do I have to enlist the help of a police officer? HELP ME!
On 04/09/04
Ricky from WI said:
My granddaughter currently lives with her mother and sted dad. She has recently become very uncomfortable with her living arrangements. Her grades are failing. She cries often when sheis alone. She is left alone and many nights must prepare her own meals. She has called and asked, Her grandparents how she could come back to our home? She has stayed in our home since an infant to age 9. From 9 until 14 she has lived with her mother and stepdad. Now, she realizes her mother is bi-polar. How can she, legally as she says, Divorce her parents and live with her grandparents.
On 04/08/04
Michelle from VA said:
I am 15, I will be 16 in less than two months. My parents are unfair about my punishment and my father has physically abused me in the past. He smokes Marijuanna everyday. I would like to be emancipated and live with my boyfriend and his parents. Is that possible? If so, how would I go about doing that?
On 04/08/04
Shanan from MI said:
My younger sister is a recovering Herion addict and she just turned 18 a few days ago. Since then she has moved out of the house and moved in with her junkie boyfriend. We want to help her, but we don't know legally if anything we can do!?! If anyone has any answers it would be greatly appreciated thanks!
11 thru 15 of 87 comments

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