Speak Up! - View Question #178

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Question: What rights do parents have when a child turns 17?

Answer: A child is considered a minor in Arizona until their 18th birthday. That means that any time between birth and the day someone turns 18, they are considered a child for purposes of Arizona law. Children are in the care of the parents until they become adults, meaning parents make decisions about their care until they become adults.

Children can not enter into contracts, make legal decisions, or vote. Although there are some things that begin to change as you get older, for example, being able to earn a driver's license, you are still considered a child in the eyes of the law until you turn 18.

21 thru 25 of 87 comments
On 03/11/04
Bingis from IL said:
I want to move out of my grandparents house where I live with my mother and my sister wants me to move in with her and my mom doesn't know about it. What kind of documents and paper work do I need to have and where can I get ONE?
On 03/09/04
Jimmy from PA said:
Well yes, you can declare yourself in the corts emancipated from your parents, which makes you a legal adult for htings such as work
On 03/06/04
carole from WA said:
I ranaway three times, I don't like my dads rules. I am at my sisters home and she applied for child support from my mom. Mom says she is willing to pay support and she has insurance for me, what laws do I have as far as being under 18 and collecting public assistant,when that is already available.
On 03/02/04
Robyn from MA said:
I'm 17 and pregnant with 3 more months to go but me and my mom dont get along at all so I was wondering since I have a good job and so does my boyfriend can I move out without her concent?
On 03/02/04
mickey from MI said:
To all of the people who want to move out or be emancipated at 16 and 17 , how do you plan on supporting yourselves? What type of income are you planning to earn? how do you plan to afford housing ,healthcare,food,transportation,clothing?These are the basics, not the "fun" things. These are all reasonable questions that you have to answer before making such monumental decisions that affect the rest of your lives.It's easy to move out, but then what do you do?Are you prepared to become a welfare statistic on public assistance. With not enough income, that is the future.
21 thru 25 of 87 comments

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