Speak Up! - View Question #180

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Question: I'm 9 years old. What happens to me if I'm with my dad and he is caught with marijuana?

Answer: If you, yourself, do not have any marijuana on you (in your pockets or backpack or whatever), you will not be charged with possession of marijuana. If a witness saw you use some, you could be charged with use. Your dad will be charged with possession.

It is never okay for adults to use or possess drugs, especially around kids. If he is your only parent, Child Protective Services (CPS) could become involved. If the people there believe he is not willing or able to parent you, or you are being abused or neglected as a result of his drug use, a dependency case could be filed. Basically, CPS would be trying to get him to clean up his act.

Remember, you are not responsible for the actions of grown ups.

11 thru 15 of 15 comments
On 10/07/03
cheryl from IL said:
My son has seen his father on more than one occassion using marijuana. After going through the D.A.R.E program at school, he decided he would turn his father in. To date, we have made three police reports and CPS has decided that because no hearm has to come to my son. There is no case. How's that for the wonderful judicial system?
On 08/26/03
Tim(diff Tim) from FL said:
I asked someone a question related to this before. If someone in the 'vicinity' is using marijuana or pot whatever, then you are found guilty. Even if you had no idea he/she had this your still guilty. So that little kid is now found guilty supposedly 'using' it.
On 05/11/03
Tim from WA said:
unfortunatly, you have had too deal with a father who uses pot. using marijuana around children is very irresponsible, and the laws reflectn this. no matter what happens, you can't get in trouble for your dad dealing or using marijuana, but he can get in more trouble if your with him when he gets busted.
On 04/29/03
Shelby from PA said:
You should tell your dad the way you feel if he is smoking marijuana. Your dad will not act like a fun person and the way he used to if he is on drugs. If your father is caught with marijuana, he is not your responsibility, you are his responsibility. if you are caught with it, that is another story, but you are not responsible for him and the things he does.
On 10/14/02
DeeDee from AZ said:
You may be faced with the choice of turning your parent in or not. Hopefully your parent would listen to your opinion. If they are using and it does effect your quality of life then you should tell some adult that you trust, preferably a family member first. CPS in your life is NO fun.
11 thru 15 of 15 comments

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