Speak Up! - View Question #185

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Question: What are the laws concerning jobs for 13-year olds?

Answer: The Fair Labor Standards Act states that the minimum age for employment is 14 years old. A 14-year old that is a full-time student would be allowed to work in a retail establishment as long as the employer has obtained certifications from the Department of Labor. A business could be fined $10,000 for hiring someone under the age of 14. The age requirements for agricultural employment are slightly different.

246 thru 250 of 2113 comments
On 07/24/06
Ashley from WI said:
I am 13 and I really wish I could get a job because I only get 10 dollars a like every two weeks.I think that most times us 13 year old are as responsible & smart as the 15 year old I wish they really would change the law to like 12 our something.
On 07/24/06
Donnisha from GA said:
I think as for me being 13 years old that we 13 year olds should have a job.Because if our parents are constantly telling us "that we are teenagers and we should act like it" but how can we act like teenager if the law want let us do what teenagers do. Some of us 13 year olds are more responsible than some of these 15 year olds that are working.Even when you are having finance problem and bills have to be paid and you want some clothes and your parents do not have any money. I think if we get a job maybe we will be able to get some clothes and probably even help our parents with paying bills.
On 07/24/06
ashley from IL said:
we should be able to work, we are just as capable as 15 yr. olds. and technically, 13 is the age of your 1st teen yr. so, technically, the child labor law shouldnt apply for us. if we could work,it would be a lot easier on our parents b/c they wouldnt have to buy us clothes, thats one less thing for them to buy us, and it could make a big difference
On 07/22/06
Laura from NJ said:
i think tis bull that 13 year olds cant have jobs .. me and my cousin both want jobs and we cant have one because of these gay laws .. PLEASE LET 13 YEAR OLDS BE ABLE TO WORK .. otherwise how else will we grow up .. yall act like yall tryna keep us young but most parents had jobs at 10 years old let alone 13 .. think about it .. all you parents tell us be responsible do the right thing buy it your self . how else can we do all those things without a job. dont think o their too young just listen to us and our opinions the mean somthing to us otherwise we wouldnt have took the time to write them
On 07/21/06
from CA said:
ok so i really want a job and i don't want to wait ti'll i'm 14. I mean 13 years have to pay for their stuff to just like 15 yea olds. My mom and dad just devorced and were having trouble with money. So my mom would really like it if i were able to get a job. And for the record 13 years are just as entilagent as 15 year olds besides like the history they've alreay learned because there older. 13 year olds could do a lot of stuff like clean tables and run the cash reg. and lots more stuff we shouldn't have to be stuck selling lemonade at the connner of the street!!! i will not stand fr this
246 thru 250 of 2113 comments

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