Speak Up! - View Question #18501

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Question: What if my parents don't want me to be emancipated?

Answer: If your parents or guardian object the court may send all of you to mediation where you may work out a solution. If you don’t reach an agreement the judge will decide whether to emancipate you or not based on what is in your best interests.

26 thru 30 of 36 comments
On 03/20/06
stephanie from AZ said:
my dad is very abusive mentally and actually hit me a couple years ago and my mom did nothing.. and a few years before that he hit my sister and she did nothing.. they treat me as if i was someone that cannot be controled! they take all my rights away if i do the slightest thing wrong. they never trust me and they always talk trash behind my back!! sometimes they ground me just for crying!! this is no way to live..
On 02/02/06
vanessa from AZ said:
I know how you feel....being home hasn't been so great, my parents are completely unfair. I can never go out without being interrogated and harrassed. It's this huge painful fight each time i want to do anything and it hurts to know that there is absolutely no trust what so ever. I have been accused of so many things and it's at the point where it just hurts to see them. My parents solution for everything is to punish me for a year and to take away my car, they think threatening me will make me a better person when in reality it has driven me to want to get an emancipation.
On 01/22/06
joe from AL said:
I need to know if my girlfriend can emancipate her mother. She is 16 and is the love of my life and vice versa. I am a very good person and so is she. I am an Army LT and I went to MMI and was in the early comishioning program. I am not out of college f yet but I do have a ft job, I live in the dorm. If I get my own place, can my Girlfriend who her mom doesnt allow to see me (explain in a min) emancipate and live with me and marry me. Her mom is totaly unstable and unfair, I ? her on her parinting skills and she is so unfair to my girl. She said that since I questioned her I cant c her ne more
On 01/17/06
shannon from AZ said:
i live with my step mom. my dad left us about 8 months ago. i dont live with my dad because he cheated ao my step mom then now all ne dose now is drink. my mom dose not want me and i realy dont know why she just always blames me for all the bad things that happend to her. she is mentaly unstable. my step mom is also unstable. all she dose is sleep and yell at us. she allways on meds mostly pane pills. she does not even get up to get to get her pills she tells me to get them for her that is how she dose. do i have to have a job to get emancipated if i have a stable place to go with this info.
On 01/14/06
Hollie from LA said:
My name is Hollie, and well my paretns treat me so unfair. My dad never lets me do anything. he tells me that he is going to cancel my car insurance until i'm 18 so i can't have any fun, and that he's going to cancel my cell phone which i pay for so people can't talk to me, and that he's going to go to my work and tell my boss that i can no longer work for them since i wouldn't have any bills to pay for if he cancels everything. that's the type of stuffthat i have to put up with everyday of my life.
26 thru 30 of 36 comments

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