Speak Up! - View Question #91

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Question: What can I do if my parents verbally abuse me?

Answer: If you live in Arizona, you can call the Children's Law Center at 602-258-3434, ext. 266 (this number is listed along with other helpful 1-800 numbers in LawForKids.org 1-800 Help section).

26 thru 30 of 37 comments
On 11/04/03
Tamara from AZ said:
Hey Jerry, Instead of crying yourself to sleep at night, take action, I read a book called A Child Called It, and it shows how this mom abuses her kid and she has other kids but treats them way better, so don't just stand there and take the abuse, tak action. SINCERLY, TAMARA
On 09/12/03
Ashley from IN said:
Hello, I was just wonering what steps I would have to take to get emancipated from my parents?! My mom verbally abuses me, she doesnt treat me the same way she does my other 4 brothers. My mom and dad both want to put me on birth control because they said i was going around being a whore/slut, even though i am not and havent ever been sexually active! This really hurts me i would like to be emancipated. Please send me the rules and regulations and whatever i need to do to do so. Thanks so much, Ashley
On 08/30/03
Gia from NY said:
im 17 years old and i was told a girl in the state of new york can not get an emancipation by one person but by others i have been told that in new york their is no written law about it .. im a bit confussed and would like a real answer soon can you please help me ?. if so what do i have to do to get my emancipation?.
On 07/31/03
jerry from NY said:
My mom hits me with a shoe. my other brothers always try to hold back my mom. i can't wait to move out of my moms house. Mostly everyday i cry myself to sleep. hoping that will she ever stop abusing me? but she won't, she'll never change
On 10/15/02
Shelle from IN said:
I'm a 16 year old female and I live with my dad and grandfather. I am the woman of the house. They expect me to do their laundry, make dinner every night, and clean the house. And when I don't I get screamed at until I do, do it. They took me out of school 2 years ago, telling the school they'd home school me.. They never did. I've been takeing care of them every since. They won't let me get a job, or start studying for my GED. They tell me I'm not ready for any of that. I never made it to high school!! But when I went to social services they said there was nothing they could do. So I have to
26 thru 30 of 37 comments

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