Speak Up! - View Question #98

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Question: Does a minor have the right, when pregnant, to keep the baby against parental consent?

Answer: In Arizona, the parents of a pregnant minor cannot legally force their child to have an abortion. If the minor chooses to give birth and not place the baby with adoptive parents, the minor's parents are NOT legally obligated to support the baby. If the minor and the baby's father and any other willing relatives cannot or will not support or care for the baby, the government may step in. This could result in the baby becoming Dependent. Some Dependent children live with birth parents or other relatives but are subject to government monitoring. Other Dependent babies are placed in foster care.

26 thru 30 of 48 comments
On 02/12/04
Nikki from MO said:
I have a sister that is 24 now and she was 15 when she had her first kid. Her and boyfriend lived together for a few years and now they have three kids together and they do not like one another and they wish they could just forget each other but they can't because they have kids. My sister now works a 50 hr a week job and is struggling to support 3 kids and herself because God knows her EX will never help. I am not suggesting you have an abortion but, there are other options. Like Adoption. just think about it is he really the one you will want to be with FOREVER
On 01/21/04
Carly from IL said:
Im pregnant and im 14 years old, my boyfriends also 14 and he is the father, can my parents make me get an abortion or put the baby up for adoption cause im not up for either one!!!!!
On 01/10/04
Angry Dad from SC said:
My 16 yr old daughter announced New Years day that she was pregnant by her 20 yr old, unemployed, no driver's license, ex-convict (did time for impregnating a 15 yr old), boy friend. She refuses to have an abortion and I refuse to raise the boyfriend's bastard child in my house. I am not paying for her prenatal care, medical care and treatment nor am I changing diapers and baby sitting. Neither will I educate this child and send it to school. So I am turning her over to the state for care. She will proably not finish high school (60-80%) and will become a Welfare Mom. Her future jobs will
On 12/15/03
Janelle from CA said:
I am 16 yrs old, 17 on christmas..im almost 3 months pregnant. My family wants an abortion, and theres no way im going to get one! Iv already been to the doctor 2 get one but didnt sign the papers! Me and my boyfriend are really happy..I may be young, but we can do it, and i know its going to be hard. My boyfriend and I are doing everything we can right now to not getting an abortion, and I'm not giving up, she might kick me out & thats ok..i have places to go..Its my life and im not gona kill a baby just cuz my parents dont want it.I love my boyfriend and we know in our hearts will be okay<3
On 09/25/03
Pooh Bear from AZ said:
Jennifer, No, your parents CANNOT force you to have an abortion if you are the one who is having the baby. She may tell you that she will kick you out or something like that if you don'tget an abortion, but you have the last word in that case. Even if your mother says some hurtful things, I think she will stand behind you even if you do chose to keep the baby. Best of luck-if you get pregnant!!
26 thru 30 of 48 comments

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