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    Laws - View Law: NEW LAWS

    Effective September 1, 2001 New Arizona Blood Alcohol Content limit -- the legal limit for alcohol in your system (blood alcohol content) to be considered Driving Under the Influence (DUI) has just been lowered from .10 to .08 in Arizona. Although it is illegal for you to drink if you are not 21 years of age, this new law lowers the threshold for being legally drunk while driving. There are very serious consequences to drinking and driving...

    Effective July 18, 2000 New Graduated Drivers License Law. Read More in the LFK driving laws section...

    Effective Immediately New “School Threats” Law

    Under Arizona Revised Statute 13-2911, there are very specific penalties for any person who commits “interference or disruption” to an educational institution.

    You will notice that we have defined specific words or phrases in the glossary at the bottom of the page. We did this to help you understand how these words are defined because the law is applied under these specific definitions. To locate the full text of this law, go to ARS 13-2911 (external link).

    A person commits interference with or disruption of an educational institution by doing any of the following:

    1. Threatening to cause physical injury to any employee of or any person attending an educational institution.

    2. Threatening to cause damage to any educational institution, property of any educational institution, or property of any person attending an educational institution.

    3. Knowingly goes onto or remains on the property of an educational institution for the purpose of interfering with or disrupting the lawful use of the property, or in any manner that interferes with the lawful use of the property by others.

    4. Knowingly refuses to obey a lawful order to leave the property by a school official, officer or employee of an educational institutional.

    A person found to be in violation of this law as described in paragraphs 1 or 2 above may be charged with a Class 6 Felony. It does not matter if the above actions were not directed to any specific individual, educational institution or property of an educational institutional. A person found to be in violation of this law as described in paragraphs 3 or 4 as described above may be charged with a Class 1 Misdemeanor.

    In addition to the existing reasons for expulsion, a school district or charter school is now required to expel from school for at least one year, a pupil who is determined to have violated any section of this statute. A school district or charter school may modify the expulsion requirement on a case by case basis if the pupil participates in a mediation, community service, restitution or other programs in which the pupil takes responsibility for the results of the threat. A parent or guardian may also be required to participate in mediation, community service, restitution or other programs in which the parent or guardian takes responsibility with the pupil for the threat. A school district may also reassign a pupil to an alternative education program.  ARS 15-841


    ARS: Arizona Revised Statutes is the way in which our laws are organized. Every state law is organized under a specific title. For instance, ARS 13-2911 means that you can find this law under the title 13 which relates to the criminal laws of our state.

    Educational institution: Any university, college, community college, high school, middle and elementary school in this state.

    Interference with or disruption of: Causing an employee of an educational institution to take action to protect the institution or the employees, students or property.

    11 thru 15 of 20 comments     1   2  [ 3 ]  4    
    On 08/16/03
    sum1 from NY said:
    My ex-boyfriend got put in juvi again. He stole a bike he wanted to give me while we were goin out n I told him i aint takin it. It ended ^ that 2 days lata he got caught wit the bike. Now he has to stay in juvi for bout 4 weeks is what i heard.
    On 04/23/03
    Kristil from VA said:
    My boyfreind got put in jail for a DUI that he done when he was a juvenile and i think they should seal his juvenile case and let him start new isint it his right to have his juvenile cases sealed
    On 03/24/03
    Luis from AZ said:
    I am wrongly being speculated of messages that are being sent to a fellow students cell phone which contains "annoying messages" and although these things are not being done by me, and they are occuring outside of school, why is the school threatening to suspend/expel me? can they do that?
    On 12/21/02
    Chris from AZ said:
    This isn't where you say if you like the site or not, its how you feel on this topic. I think that it is a good idea to have the law harsh on this. This is something that almost every kid worries about sometime or another in their life. People are killed every day and it starts with a threat that isn't taken serious.
    On 07/05/02
    Tyler from KY said:
    I think this site is the best. I learned a lot of laws that I did'nt even know existed! Thanks for keeping kids safe!
    11 thru 15 of 20 comments     1   2  [ 3 ]  4    

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