Speak Up! - View Question #22038

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Question: What is the penalty for growing marijuana in arizona? I am growing two small plants without the intent to sell?

Answer: Growing marijuana is a crime because the United States and Arizona both prohibit (do not allow) marijuana to be possessed, except in very rare cases where marijuana is prescribed by a doctor for a very limited medicinal purpose when someone is very ill.
The penalty for possession depends upon a number of factors which can be found in A.R.S. § 13-3405.

11 thru 15 of 21 comments
On 04/16/08
Elly from AZ said:
Marajuna is better for you than alcohal is. So why should it even be illegal in the first place. It is like medicine and the law won't stop it any way!So again....why bother.?.
On 04/14/08
nancy from AZ said:

Ok. first of all marijuana will never be legal. and you cannot compare alcohol and drugs.

On 12/19/07
Danny from AZ said:
First of all that is just plain dume!Seconde of all I think he should charged as a juvanile.
On 10/29/07
Zach from AZ said:
Weed is highly illegal in Arizona. There is no misdemeanor possession charge from what I understand. One seed, one joint, one ounce-all carry a felony penalty I believe.
On 10/22/07
Nick from WA said:
marijuana should be legal if alcohol is legal but the marijuana should have the same concequences as alcohol laws do
11 thru 15 of 21 comments

Read more about the law and Illegal Substances and Arrested
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