Speak Up! - View Question #415

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Question: Is it illegal to take freedom of speech from kids in school?

Answer: School's need to maintain a safe environment for students and teachers. The right to free speech is protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the US Constitution. However, when spoken words are abusive, offensive or the language is unacceptable, your right to free speech may be limited. Fighting words, those that may create a situation in which a fight may occur, are not protected by the Constitution. Students' rights and the need for safe school environment may sometimes come in conflict. In such cases, the courts have determined that students may have their rights limited.

46 thru 50 of 63 comments
On 01/27/03
Megan from AZ said:
I think youth should have freedom of speach, but I think there is a very clear boundary and it's important for us to know our limits.
On 01/15/03
Karen from CO said:
I have been a fighter for Free Speech in schools since my first year attending a public high school. I have been restricted from speech more then once. I also contain many controversial opinions. In Tinker vs. Illionos our rights where handed to us, we have them. But since then that court case has been constantly ignored because teachers and adminsters feel as though they need control. This sort of action we should and will not stand for. Just because our age determins us as minors we need not be ignored, we should be listened to because when we are not, the results are those that are illegal
On 01/12/03
IDC from NY said:
yay I just got suspended for two days for a protest fighting for students voices to be heard. I believe all of you should protest for ur beliefs aslong as no one is harmed in the process
On 12/26/02
Gabrielle from MD said:
I agree that we have very limited speech now in schools since we are "just Kids" teachers think our opinion doesn't count.If we are all Americans and it is everyones right to "Freedom of Speech" why are we not alowed to use it? At my school they make all the student sthut up the last 8 min. of the lunch period. Now that is just bogous! I really want my free speech!
On 12/26/02
Gabrielle from MD said:
I agree that we have very limited speech now in schools since we are "just Kids" teachers think our opinion doesn't count.If we are all Americans and it is everyones right to "Freedom of Speech" why are we not alowed to use it? At my school they make all the student shut up the last 8 min. of the lunch period. Now that is just bogous! I really want my free speech!
46 thru 50 of 63 comments

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