Speak Up! - View Question #415

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Question: Is it illegal to take freedom of speech from kids in school?

Answer: School's need to maintain a safe environment for students and teachers. The right to free speech is protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the US Constitution. However, when spoken words are abusive, offensive or the language is unacceptable, your right to free speech may be limited. Fighting words, those that may create a situation in which a fight may occur, are not protected by the Constitution. Students' rights and the need for safe school environment may sometimes come in conflict. In such cases, the courts have determined that students may have their rights limited.

31 thru 35 of 63 comments
On 11/05/03
Kate from GA said:
If my teacher tells 2 kids some private and important stuff shouldn't those kids have the right to tell anyone they want!
On 11/05/03
Kate from GA said:
We should know our limits but sometimes our teachers don't give us any freedom!
On 10/08/03
Nick from ID said:
So, what you are trying to tell everyone is that if society doesn't agree with what they have to say, then their freedom of speech will be taken away from them. If i have a idea that is about a greatly disliked subject, then I can't say it in school. According to the Constitution you are incorrect in your conclusion. If the government ever get powerful enough to take away my GOD given rights, then I will be protesting it the entire time.
On 10/08/03
Nick from ID said:
So what you were trying to say was that you thought it is not ok for them to take away our rights.
On 09/10/03
Zach from TX said:
When teacher go through your stuff like notes, and e-mail, that violates the amendment that give us the right not to have our possesions searched without reasonable reason.And here in texas it's even worse, because they fine "you" if you swear in school, but they're not actualy fining you they're fining your parents which isnt right because, acording to the first amendment you parents cant stop you from saying what you want, so they shouldnt be held acountable.
31 thru 35 of 63 comments

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