Speak Up! - View Question #415

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Question: Is it illegal to take freedom of speech from kids in school?

Answer: School's need to maintain a safe environment for students and teachers. The right to free speech is protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the US Constitution. However, when spoken words are abusive, offensive or the language is unacceptable, your right to free speech may be limited. Fighting words, those that may create a situation in which a fight may occur, are not protected by the Constitution. Students' rights and the need for safe school environment may sometimes come in conflict. In such cases, the courts have determined that students may have their rights limited.

36 thru 40 of 63 comments
On 09/01/03
Emily from MO said:
The answer to the above question stated that 'fighting words' were not covered by the constitution. When the First Amendment gave citizens Freedom of Speech, it did not specify "Freedom of Unoffensive Speech." To say that some words are okay and others are not only opens the door for further exploitation of rights that every human should have. Everyone who has an opinion ought to be able to voice it as he or she sees fit. An age limit cannot be put on an expression of ideas, especially in a learning environment.
On 08/26/03
Kevin from IA said:
Kids SHOULD have freedom of speech. It isn't fair that I should get in trouble for singing "99 bottles of beer on the wall" on the play ground. Just because we're young we are treated like dirt.
On 08/06/03
Greg from MD said:
kids dont get to talk freely in school. if you say something like i dont like this, they say well to bad youre a kid you cant talk do it.
On 05/21/03
Bobbie from MI said:
you're wrong! that means what you are saying is that in the hallways you can say anything- but thats not true! if a teacher hears you then you get in trouble
On 03/02/03
Quynh from CA said:
If anything, what should be taught in schools is freedom of expression, and how to express one's self well. The founders of this nation believed in a "free marketplace of ideas" as well as an open ground for discussion. They believed the greater the ability to discuss things, the better the nation would be for the people. For all you here, I suggest reading "Freedom of Expression in the United States" edited by Terry Eastland. When I was in high school, I had no idea some of the things imposed on the students were infringements on our constitutional rights. The best way to foster a teen
36 thru 40 of 63 comments

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