Speak Up! - View Question #424

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Question: Can a teacher make me take a drug test?

Answer: The one court case addressing this issue found that a school is not allowed to require all students to submit to urine tests for drugs and alcohol. There have been other court cases where schools required drug tests of those who participated in interscholastic programs (football, softball, etc.). In those cases, one court found that the drug testing was justified for those participating in the sports program and three other courts found that it was not justified. Because most courts have found that drug testing in schools was not warranted, it is likely that the testing would not be allowed by most courts, not prohibited.

11 thru 15 of 20 comments
On 04/21/02
Barry from WV said:
I see no problem with random drug testing. Most employers now require drug testing (along with random drug testing) of all employees, with dire consequences for failing (especially immediate termination). If an employer can require all employees to submit to drug testing, then schools should have the same right.
On 04/08/02
Adam from GU said:
I think if a teacher can give a student a drug test for no reason students should be able to give the teacher drug tests
On 03/31/02
Davey from PA said:
I think that drug testing should be givin only if there is reason to beleave that the person is bringing drugs or doing drugs on school proporty. But I think that a student should have the right to say weither or not they will give urin to a police officer
On 03/29/02
Matt from MA said:
I think it is EXTREMELY wrong for a teacher to make you take a drug test. All is teacher is, is someone to help you learn. Its not your legal guardian or a officer. So I think they have no right what so ever to make you take one.
On 03/19/02
Marc from AZ said:
I think you should be forced to take a drug test, because if you are acting really weird then your normal self you should be tested for drugs. I think if you are playing sports you should automatically be tested for drugs. If you have drugs in your locker and the police bring in a K9 dog then you should be force to take a drug test.If you fail the drug test you should be arrested.
11 thru 15 of 20 comments

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