Speak Up! - View Question #428

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Question: For truancy can the juvenile court send you to lock-up if I haven't been in any kind of trouble before?

Answer: Most laws related to behavior give courts a wide range of possible consequences for the offender. The judge can pick between the options, using their judgment as to what will best cause the offender to stop their self-destructive actions and reform their behavior. Even the slightest crimes allow a judge to give fines or jail time. Judges can certainly send someone to lock-up if the judge decides that is the best way to get the offenders attention. Community service, fines, and mandatory educational programs are other possibilities.

21 thru 25 of 29 comments
On 06/09/03
Nicole from WA said:
I have now had the Becca Bill filed on me three times. The third time the judge found me in contempt of court, because of not attending school etc. I am currently trying to fight this because of my "living situation" which effects my attendance. From my experience I feel, as well as many others, that the Judges do not take the time to listen to the juviniles side of the story. Just because we are underage, does not mean we are wrong. Basically, If you put a fish in a polluted stream...its only going to die. I think the courts should think about this. Teenagers already have to deal with
On 05/15/03
lkczfjdkfl from CA said:
i dont know about other states but i beleive under califorina law, all juveniles under the age of 18 is required by law to attend school, and if they do not, the parents are held responsible. I dont know what it's like at your school but at my school, they have the right to fail you if you miss 18 days of school or more.
On 12/17/02
Alicia from OH said:
Well, I have been skippin school for a while and now I have to go to court for it,... I have learned my lesson by having to go to court.. we havent gone yet but i am scared so just help your kid,,,just let them know that you care
On 05/14/02
Denise from AZ said:
my child has been absent for 29 days beginning after spring break. she is ADHD and has mood disorders as well as anxiety disorders. I haven't put her on medication until just recently. If she was having a bad morning and coulnd't convience her to go to school I would let her stay home; she would also have sick days. If I sent her to school anyway she would usually end up spending the day at the office or in some other unproductive mannor. We are going to be sited today, and I am wondering what may come of it.
On 02/14/02
Kristin from MN said:
I agree. They probably are having trouble somewhere,but I think it can all be fixed as long as you have cooperation,patience,understanding and love. I know a few people who were run-aways.{I'll mention no names}I think they did it for \ attention.
21 thru 25 of 29 comments

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