Speak Up! - View Question #471

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Question: What's the maximum size of a knife that you can carry to school?

Answer: All public schools have rules that prohibit students from possessing weapons at school. A knife is considered to be a weapon, but some schools have created an exception for a folding knife with a blade length of two and one-half inches or less. Other schools prohibit knives of any length.

The disciplinary consequences of violating a school's weapon policy can be very severe, including mandatory expulsion from school. Therefore, a student who routinely carries a pocket knife should check the student handbook or the district policy on weapons before bringing a knife to school.

41 thru 45 of 55 comments
On 01/05/04
Simon from Othe said:
A knife is only a weapon when it is used as a weapon. I carried a Swiss Army Knife around all through high school and I found many occasions when it was handy. Also, if you were to ask any owner of such a TOOL you'll see that it is very convenient as a TOOL. If I felt that I needed a weapon at school (which I never did, any trouble usually happens outside of school property) I would pick up a metre stick or throw a textbook, items which are readily avaible everywhere at school.
On 12/30/03
Tri from CA said:
I think it should be okay to carry small blades at school for the purpose of cutting food only... because sometimes those little plastic sporks are just.. ridiculous.. and plastic knives don't always work
On 12/09/03
Drea from AZ said:
I Belive that it is not right to bring a kinve to school, but how are you going to tell that to some insane kid that wont follow the rules? How are you going to protect yourself if every one is following the rules, but that one kid? dont you think that some killings at school would be diffrent if the kid carried around a kinve and stabbed the kid before he could shoot and kill a whole bunch of kids? you can prevent an accident, if you carry a knive with you.
On 10/16/03
Manny from LA said:
I think that school was made to go and learn and interact and have fun with each other not to try and act all extra tough and carry weapons.
On 10/14/03
michelle from NJ said:
the reason that bringing ANY type of knife into school is because of irresponsible kids and in order to prevent fights and temptation of takin out a weapon, the government has made it illigal for us to take any type of knife or anything else threatening into school. I for one, have no problem witht his rule...and maybe its because i am in a small school where i know everybody, and no one here is stupid enough to simply bring in a weapon to school. If your gonna collect knives, thats just great, keep that crap at home and stop complaining because it is never going to be OKAY to bring weapons
41 thru 45 of 55 comments

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