Speak Up! - View Question #471

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Question: What's the maximum size of a knife that you can carry to school?

Answer: All public schools have rules that prohibit students from possessing weapons at school. A knife is considered to be a weapon, but some schools have created an exception for a folding knife with a blade length of two and one-half inches or less. Other schools prohibit knives of any length.

The disciplinary consequences of violating a school's weapon policy can be very severe, including mandatory expulsion from school. Therefore, a student who routinely carries a pocket knife should check the student handbook or the district policy on weapons before bringing a knife to school.

46 thru 50 of 55 comments
On 07/16/03
Dan from MA said:
A school is no place for any weapons? To protect ourself? You guys are looking at this wrong. I am a knife collector, I have Swiss army knives, Wenger, Pine Ridge, Gerber,Buck, and Leathermans. I love them because of the convenience and some I just keep to admire craftsmanship. I carry my highly scratched, worn out Swiss army knife all over, and I wouldn't want it to protect myself, nor is it considered a weapon according to a knife law which says that a swiss army knife or pocketknife cannot be considered a weapon until used as such. I would carry it for the convenience...scissors, magnifying
On 07/06/03
chris from OH said:
the constitution does give you the right, however the school does have the right to tell you not to carry a knife on school property. because it IS the SCHOOL's property they have the right to demand that you respect their wishes. if you came onto my property with a knife, gun, or other weapon i would have the right to tell you to get rid of it in my home, you have the same right, as does the school. if you're going to complain about your rights being violated first consider whether ofr not you're violating the rights of others.
On 04/29/03
Nick from MI said:
I think Brian from Ohio is right there is no reason to have a weapon in School.
On 03/08/03
Sheena from CO said:
The constitution gives us the right to carry weapons; schools are violating our rights by not permitting us to carry weapons. I belive schools should at the very least allow students to carry pocket knives while on school grounds. Personally my school is so large that I do not know all of the students, And I don't trust everyone. I would feel much safer at school if I was allowed to take my pocket knife along for protection.
On 01/31/03
Merrissa from SD said:
I think that pocket knives and ONLY pocket knives should be allowed in school.I have been carrying one with me since I was eight and I never go anywhere without and I agree school shouldn't be any different. At my school, it is small and all, but we are all farm kids including my self. My opnion is one of the few, yet the best option is to be able to carry one when you get into high school, even some teachers at my high school carry them. I think carrying them is a good idea, you'll never know when you will need it, and nobody at my school has ever had the intention to hurt anybody.
46 thru 50 of 55 comments

Read more about the law and School and Guns and Weapons
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