Speak Up! - View Question #471

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Question: What's the maximum size of a knife that you can carry to school?

Answer: All public schools have rules that prohibit students from possessing weapons at school. A knife is considered to be a weapon, but some schools have created an exception for a folding knife with a blade length of two and one-half inches or less. Other schools prohibit knives of any length.

The disciplinary consequences of violating a school's weapon policy can be very severe, including mandatory expulsion from school. Therefore, a student who routinely carries a pocket knife should check the student handbook or the district policy on weapons before bringing a knife to school.

36 thru 40 of 55 comments
On 05/06/04
nicole katon from VT said:
i dont bring eneything bad to school like this stuff.
On 02/03/04
ayrton from Othe said:
i youse a pocket knife.but i only havet on me when i am at home,i see no need for it at school.
On 01/20/04
Craig from OH said:
Yes i especially agree to let kids carry pocket knives to school. Being a high school student my self i carry a pocket knife. I use it for everything. So yes kids should carry pocket knives.
On 01/20/04
Stephen from TX said:
I think you should be allowed to carry a pocket knife to school. Though I was suspended for 2 days because I was carrying a knife of only 3 and a half inches long. That I only use for work but they didnt see it that way so I was suspended. Though in our student handbook it says that an illegal knife in our school in 5 inches long. I misunderstood so I think that students should be allowed to carry knives on them to school but only for work purposes.
On 01/07/04
Corey from AZ said:
The biggest reason I'd bring a knife to school for is to protct myself from other people who would try to pull a similar weapon on me, if not I would have no protection, and they'd have no reason to hurt me severely.
36 thru 40 of 55 comments

Read more about the law and School and Guns and Weapons
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