Speak Up! - View Question #484

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Question: What recourse does the parent of a student in public school have if the principal shakes the student and physically threatens him?

Answer: Physical abuse of a student is a serious matter. If a student feels that he or she has been physically abused by a school employee, the incident should be reported to the school principal and, if the principal is the person accused, the incident should be reported to the superintendent of the school district. The incident may also be reported to the police for criminal investigation.

Parents and students should bear in mind, however, that not all physical contact between a student and teacher is wrongful. Arizona law allows school officials to use reasonable physical force to protect themselves, students and employees, and school property.

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On 01/10/03
R from SC said:
Write down as many details as possible of the incident to include witnesses, and take it to the school board.
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