Speak Up! - View Question #486

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Question: Is it legal for a campus police officer to give a 13 year old a breathalyzer without contacting a parent first?

Answer: Yes, an officer can legally give a sobriety test to a 13 year old student without contacting a parent first. Most officers would contact parents first, but it is not a legal requirement.

6 thru 10 of 21 comments
On 11/15/03
Cath from Othe said:
As someone from the UK, my answer is hold a prom or formal as we call them, that isn't orgainised by the school. Our pre-formals are all orgainsed but the sixth form committe, we go book out a night club for the night, but not through the school, so we can do anything we want because the school isn't involved (baring anything illegal because the police could still get us). The school still orgainses the formal, but you have to be over the legal drinking age to get onto it. And the teachers leave before every one gets drunk. There was one incident where a parent phoned the night club during
On 09/12/03
carolina from AZ said:
My government teacher told us that if you dont want to probe that you are not drunk u can, but if you go to court the judge will assume with, or without the test, that you were drunk.
On 08/14/03
not your concern from TX said:
u can refuse one so in court they don't have evdicent to convict you
On 05/25/03
Rod from Othe said:
I'm from Canada "eh". ive got a related question.. but it might not be able to be answered because of the differences in laws... My question is... can a school teacher/principle legally make a student who is attending a special event such as prom.. take the breathalizer at the door? And can the student refuse... could anything legal be brought about on behalf of the student afterwards if they were kicked out?
On 05/01/03
April from FL said:
I have came to school drunk before and they used a breathalizer test on me without my parents permission and I didn't care. I think they should be able to do it anyway with or without a parents consent because it is against the law for an underage person to drink alcohol.
6 thru 10 of 21 comments

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