Speak Up! - View Question #488

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Question: Are there laws concerning how many hours of homework a school is allowed to assign?

Answer: No. There are no laws that regulate how much homework can be assigned. But many school districts have policies that set guidelines for homework based on grade level. A student or parent concerned about homework should ask the school principal if the school district has guidelines.

11 thru 15 of 67 comments
On 01/12/05
KLD from NJ said:
In school, teachers teach children all kinds of information that they will never use in their careers and give them hours of work to do during their free time. It's dumb!
On 12/05/04
Ami from KY said:
I am in high school and a part of accelerated honors program. Everyday we are challeged and pushed all the way. Its no walk in the park. After school, I, as well as several of my peers, participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, plays, etc. A lot of these activities take up the greater part the afternoon. There is no time to do the countless hours of homework assigned. I could easily spend the entire night finishing an assignment of only one class!! Shouldn't there be a limit so our bodies don't stress out and over-work themselves?
On 06/18/04
Michael from Othe said:
When I was at high school, I loathed homework, and I didn't see why I had to get so much of it. Now I'm at university and at the time of writing the semester has just finished, and I had four assignments due in this week. Over the last 80 or so hours I've managed to get a total of 10 hours sleep. Last night I didn't sleep because I was too busy, and then at 9am this morning I had an exam. After spending so long in the classroom, the english exam was a welcome change. And this is only my first semester. If homework at school has a purpose, it's to harden you up for when you get proper homework.
On 05/13/04
Lizzie from MA said:
I believe that teachers should be able to assign homework up to a certian point, because if you don't have any homework how can you tell that the child is actually learning it? They can do the work together at school, but that doesn't guarantee that they understand the material. But there should be a limit on how much homework can be assigned, so that the students will not have to stay up all night finishing it.
On 05/03/04
Bryant from WI said:
a teachers time is from the moment school starts to the moment it ends if they cant get there teach criteria completed during this time why should the kids be penalized for it.. It's ridiculus after school is assingned for after school activities not more school work.... homework on weekends is the worst kids have games and family occasions they are required to attend and be at if we have more homework to worry about what happens when we don't hand that in and our grade drops......homework should have never been invented
11 thru 15 of 67 comments

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